Grafen for et andengradspolynomium er en parabel. Bemærk, hvordan grafen ændrer sig, når du varierer a, b og c. Læg også mærke til diskriminanten, d, og toppunktet, Tp.
Figure figure = Position [0,0] Size[x,y*13/16] Origin[x/4,y*7/16] Unit x/20 Color "white";
Axes axes = Color "black";
Grid grid = Color "blue";
Units units = Color "black";
SlidePot a = From -2 To 2 Initial 0.5 Position [20,y-60] Size [180,0];
SlidePot b = From -4 To 4 Initial 0 Position [20,y-40] Size [180,0];
SlidePot c = From -4 To 4 Initial 0 Position [20,y-20] Size [180,0];
Text a_txt = "a = a,2" Offset [220,y-55] Color "blue";
Text b_txt = "b = b,2" Offset [220,y-35] Color "blue";
Text c_txt = "c = c,2" Offset [220,y-15] Color "blue";
Variable d = b^2-4*a*c;
Variable topx = -b/(2*a);
Variable topy = -d/(4*a);
Graph parabel = a*x^2+b*x+c Size 1.5 Color "blue";
Text formula1 = "y = a·x2 + b·x + c" Offset [340,y-55] Color "black" Style "font-family:MJX_MATH;font-size:120%;";
Text formula2 = "y = a,2·x2 b,2,+·x c,2,+" Offset [340,y-35] Color "black" Style "font-family:MJX_MATH;font-size:120%;";
Text formula3 = "d = d,2; Tp = [ topx,2, topy,2 ]" Offset [340,y-15] Color "black" Style "font-family:MJX_MATH;font-size:120%;";